Termeni si conditii

Termeni si conditii  RO/ENG

BRIOTHERMXPS SRL este o societate organizată și care funcționează în conformitate cu legile din România, cu sediul în  STR. SOSEAUA DE CENTURA 6, Stefanesti, Ilfov, înregistrată la ORC sub nr. J23/2956/2019, având CUI 30087832, productia de materiale termoizolante, precum si alte servicii conexe care pot fi contractate prin intermediul acestui site. Acesti termeni si conditii reglementeaza folosirea site-ului giasxps.ro Va rugam cititi Termenii si Conditiile. Daca nu sunteti de acord cu Termenii si Conditiile, nu folositi acest site web.

Daca folositi site-ul web www.giasxps.ro , conduita dumneavoastra indica faptul ca sunteti de acord sa respectati Termenii si Conditiile.

  1. Contactare servicii

Folosirea serviciilor sau a informatiilor oferite pe site-ul www.giasxps.ro  este echivalenta cu acceptarea de catre utilizator a termenilor si conditiilor de mai jos. Acesti termeni si conditii se pot modifica periodic, utilizatorul trebuind sa verifice actualizarile de fiecare data cand acceseaza acest site.

  1. Continutul si drepturile autorului

Continutul si designul site-ului apartin J23/2956/2019 si  sunt protejate de legislatia privind proprietatea intelectuala. Nu puteti reproduce materialele afisate pe site fara a detine o permisiune scrisa din partea BRIOTHERMXPS SRL . BRIOTHERMXPS SRL poate, fara orice alta notificare sau formalitate sa suspende sau sa inceteze accesul dumneavoastra la continutul

  1. Contact pentru ofertele de pret

Cererile de oferta se pot realiza utilizand adresa Această adresă de email este protejată de spambots. Trebuie să aveți JavaScript activat ca să o puteți vedea.”>cristi.boacana@brioxps.ro Utilizatorul are obligatia de a furniza date corecte si cat mai concrete cu privire solicitare.

In cazul in care BRIOTHERMXPS SRL considera o cerere ca fiind incompleta sau incorecta, poate cere detalii suplimentare utilizatorului folosind adresa de e-mail furnizata de acesta sau poate sterge cererea fara nici o instiintare a utilizatorului.

  1. Protectia datelor

Conform cerintelor Legii nr. 677/2001 actualizata in 2018 pentru protectia persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date, modificata si completata, BRIOTHERMXPS SRL are obligatia de a administra in conditii de siguranta si numai pentru scopurile specificate, datele personale pe care ni le furnizati despre dumneavoastra, un membru al familiei dumneavoastra ori o alta persoana.

Scopul colectarii datelor este: furnizarea serviciilor si produselor conform ofertei curente. Sunteti obligat(a) sa furnizati aceste date, ele fiind necesare pentru a putea identifica destinatarul serviciilor sau produselor furnizate.

Refuzul dumneavoastra determina imposibilitatea furnizarii serviciului. Informatiile inregistrate sunt destinate utilizarii de catre operator si, dupa caz, sunt comunicate numai urmatorilor destinatari: autoritatile nationale/europene/mondiale de inregistrare.

Orice persoana are dreptul de a se opune, in mod gratuit si fara nici o justificare, la prelucrarile datelor sale personale in scopuri de marketing direct. Conform Legii nr. 677/2001 actualizata in 2018, beneficiati de dreptul de acces, de interventie asupra datelor, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale si dreptul de a va adresa justitiei.

Totodata, aveti dreptul sa va opuneti prelucrarii datelor personale care va privesc si sa solicitati stergerea datelor. De asemenea, va este recunoscut dreptul de a va adresa justitiei. Daca unele din datele despre dumneavoastra sunt incorecte, va rugam sa ne informati cat mai curand posibil.

  1. Proprietate intelectuala

BRIOTHERMXPS SRL este proprietarul tuturor materialelor si informatiilor prezentate pe website-ul www.giasxps.ro  . Este interzisa copierea, reproducerea, distribuirea acestora, catre alte parti terte.

  1. Materiale transmise prezentului site

Este interzisa publicarea sau transmiterea catre sau de la acest site a materialelor ilegale, amenintatoare, defaimatoare, obscene, pornografice sau a altor materiale care pot contraveni legilor din tara relationata de site.

  1. Limitarea raspunderii

Materialele si continutul publicate pe acest site sunt oferite “ca atare”, fara garantii explicite sau implicite de orice natura, pentru scopuri comerciale, garantii de respectare a drepturilor de autor sau garantii de adecvare pentru vreun scop anume.

BRIOTHERMXPS SRL este absolvita in toate cazurile de responsibilitate pentru orice daune (inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la daune pentru pierderi de profit, intreruperea activitatii, piederea informatiilor) ce decurg din utilizarea sau incapacitatea de utilizare a materialelor, chiar daca BRIOTHERMXPS SRL a fost informata asupra posibilitatii aparitiei unor asemenea daune.

  1. Dispozitii finale

Toti utilizatorii acestui site fac subiectul acestor termeni si conditii astfel incat accesarea acestuia presupune acceptarea si conformarea la Termenii si Conditiile prevazute in acest document.

BRIOTHERMXPS SRL isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica in orice moment continutul acestui document, fara notificarea prealabila a utilizatorului.

Modificarile facute astfel sunt socotite a fi acceptate de catre utilizator daca acesta continua sa foloseasca site-ul dupa afisarea lor in acest document.

Terms and conditions

BRIOTHERMXPS SRL is a company organized and operating in accordance with the Romanian laws, with its headquarters in STR. SOSEAUA DE CENTURA 6, Stefanesti, Ilfov, registered with ORC under no. J23/2956/2019, having CUI 30087832, production of thermal insulation materials, and other related services that can be contracted through this site.

These terms and conditions govern the use of the giasxps.ro website. Please read the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, do not use this website.

If you use the website www.giasxps.ro , your conduct indicates that you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions.

  1. Contacting services

The use of the services or information offered on the website www.giasxps.ro is equivalent to the acceptance by the user of the terms and conditions below. These terms and conditions may be changed from time to time, the user has to check for updates every time he accesses this site.

  1. Content and copyright

The content and design of the site belong to J23/2956/2019 and are protected by the legislation on intellectual property. You may not reproduce the materials displayed on the site without having written permission from BRIOTHERMXPS SRL. BRIOTHERMXPS SRL may, without any other notification or formality, suspend or terminate your access to the content

  1. Contact for price offers

The requests for the offer can be made using the address cristi.boacana@brioxps.ro The user has the obligation to provide accurate and accurate data regarding the request.

If BRIOTHERMXPS SRL considers a request to be incomplete or incorrect, it may request additional details from the user using the e-mail address provided by it or it may delete the request without any notification from the user.

  1. Data protection

According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of the persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data, modified and completed, BRIOTHERMXPS SRL has the obligation to administer in safe conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data you provide to us about you, a member of your family or another person.

The purpose of data collection is: to provide services and products according to the current offer. You are obliged (a) to provide this data, which is necessary to be able to identify the recipient of the services or products provided.

Your refusal determines the impossibility of providing the service. The registered information is intended for use by the operator and, where appropriate, is communicated only to the following recipients: national / European / world registration authorities.

Everyone has the right to object, free of charge and without justification, to the processing of his personal data for direct marketing purposes. According to the Law no. 677/2001, you benefit from the right of access, of intervention on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to address the justice.

At the same time, you have the right to oppose the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of the data. You also have the right to appeal to justice. If some of the information about you is incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible.

  1. Intellectual property

BRIOTHERMXPS SRL is the owner of all the materials and information presented on the website www.giasxps.ro It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, distribute them to other third parties.

  1. Materials submitted to this site

It is forbidden to publish or transmit to or from this site illegal, threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or other materials that may contravene the laws of the country related to the site.

  1. Limitation of liability

The materials and content published on this site are offered “as such”, without any explicit or implicit guarantees of any kind, for commercial purposes, guarantees of respect for copyright or guarantees of adequacy for any particular purpose.

BRIOTHERMXPS SRL is absolved in all cases of liability for any damages (including, but not limited to damages for loss of profit, interruption of activity, loss of information) arising from the use or inability to use the materials, even if BRIOTHERMXPS SRL was informed about the possibility of such damages occurring.

  1. Final provisions

All the users of this website are subject to these terms and conditions so that accessing them means accepting and complying with the Terms and Conditions provided in this document.

BRIOTHERMXPS SRL reserves the right to modify the contents of this document at any time, without prior notification of the user.

Changes made in this way are deemed to be accepted by the user if he continues to use the site after being displayed in this document.

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